Greetings from the Great Lakes, a uniquely beautiful area on the face of God’s good earth! No other place on earth has more fresh water than the Great Lakes region. In the Bible, fresh water is symbolic of God’s thoughts and His teachings. Isaiah 55:8-11 compares God’s thoughts and words to rain that waters the earth, causing seeds to sprout, plants to grow, and life to thrive. In the gospel of John, Jesus Christ says that His words are a form of living water that forms bubbling springs within those who believe (John 4:10-14; 7:38).
Understanding some of the deep significance God attaches to fresh water inspired our little congregation to take the name Great Lakes Church of God. That is just what we did in February 2002, while meeting on the northern shore of Lake Michigan. Since that day, our little congregation and those who fellowship with us have grown to include people across the United States and in several countries around the world. Be sure to visit our companion website